Forces of elements traversed the darkness of the material plane, endeavoring to bring forth new life after countless unsuccessful attempts, finally encountering the planet of Ardeo. Previous attempts left some of the planets completely ravaged, worlds destroyed, some even sucked into a different plane. This time, the five elements chose a different path. Rather than crafting life, they directed their elemental forces towards creating celestial beings, whom they named gods, endowing them with a fraction of their power.
At the beginning, they were only ten, creating the First Pantheon:
Ishhalor - God of Life.
Neiri - Goddess of Death.
Inis - Goddess of Fire.
Avelia - Goddess of Water.
Zachar - God of Air.
Jordeg - God of Earth.
Yio - Goddess of Light.
Xantis - God of Darkness.
Malachai - God of Arcana.
Lea - Goddess of War and Peace, matron and ruler of the celestial realm.
Celestial realm was created inside the material plane, forging celestial gates between the planes, locking it from the unwanted intrusions. Ardeo was a formed water world, spanning one gigantic land mass with different biomes, perfect for the development of life. Eclipsing the horizon, two celestial companions, the twin moons casting their luminous embrace upon the planet's serene surface. Once a year, they would meet, becoming one. As if guarding this aquatic gem, a scattered asteroid belt encircled Ardeo, its distant presence a testament to the planet's enigmatic allure.
In the celestial realm, gods were entrusted with two sacred duties: creation and safeguarding of life on the planet. Every single life form should assume elements as their creators, and gods as their guardians. Gods ventured on, shaping the landmasses, bringing different forms and creatures to life, forming rivers, clouds, rain.
At the end, to ensure harmony and balance in this thriving world, Ishhalor, bestowed the gift of sentience upon two distinctive races: the ethereal Elves, graced with an otherworldly beauty and intelligence, and the resilient Zenari, stalwart and wise guardians of the natural order. Their lifespan was far greater, compared to any other creature, but not eternal. Life on Ardeo, spanned with magnificent jungles and forest, fertile fields, beautiful hills and rivers was quite a sight for a simple traveler. On the other side, the domains of harsh winters within tall mountains and scorching deserts tested the will of those who dared venture through their formidable terrain. Circle of life and death was created.
Once dead, while the body remained in the Material plane, souls, accompanied by Neiri, traveled to the Soul plane. There, they would be laid for eternal rest.